Workshops by Marcy Sutton
Marcy Sutton is a freelance web developer and accessibility specialist. Previously, she’s worked as the Head of Learning at Gatsby and on the open source axe-core accessibility testing library. In 2016, O’Reilly gave Marcy a Web Platform Award for her work in accessibility. She’s a founding member of the Accessibility Seattle Foundation, a nonprofit supporting the A11ySea meetup. When away from the keyboard, Marcy can be found hiking with her dog, riding a bicycle, or snowboarding.
Intro to Accessible Web Development with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- When: Wednesday, Nov 10 (9am - noon)
- Level: Intro
- Instructor: Marcy Sutton
Advanced Accessibility with JavaScript and Automated Testing
- When: Thursday, Nov 11 (9am - noon)
- Level: Intermediate / Advanced
- Instructor: Marcy Sutton